This whole experience has been a process of learning to
trust the Lord and wait on his timing. My latest story is all thanks to you
Although the rule is that all financial support must be raised
a month before departure, I didn’t even begin raising support until three weeks
before I was supposed to be in Kenya.
The initial goal was to raise enough to buy my plane ticket by May 6th.
Done. Thank you.
As of yesterday morning, I checked my support account and
had around $2,500, which is about half of what I needed to raise for my time in
Kenya, almost all of which would be used to pay for my plane ticket. I needed
over twice that much for my time in Kenya, and I was leaving in two days.
But why do I ever doubt?
Yesterday evening I checked the account again and I HAD OVER
$5,000! Within a few hours, through your generosity, God has provided
sufficient funds and even extra! I now
have 100% of my funds raised! If you know me well, you can imagine my
reaction! I think I’ve said, “Wow!” about 300 times in the past few hours!
So, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to each of you for
your support, whether financial or in prayer. No need to send any more
financial help but I would really appreciate your prayers. They are essential.
Repeatedly through this process, I have become convinced
that for some reason, God wants me in Kenya this summer and He has reassured me
of this through His abundant provision.
please continue to pray with me:
-that both my heart and the hearts
of the people I interact with would be extremely tender to His guidance
-that God would prepare divine
appointments and give me wisdom to speak His words -that I would glean as much as I can from the wise missionaries I will be working with and from the new experiences I’ll have
-safe travels with no complications. I leave Saturday May 11, 2013 at noon and will arrive in Nairobi, Kenya two days later, May 13th, at about 1.
Do now worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. Matthew 6:31-32 NASB